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years of experience
Espalang is an educational services agency with more than 20 years of experience. During these 20 years we have tried to provide the best educational experiences for our students, both academically and personally, helping them to learn new languages, get to know new cultures and ways of doing and seeing the world while helping them to get to know themselves better and develop skills that make them better people and professionals. Espalang has two areas of work, Outgoing(to learn languages such as English, French, German) and Incoming.
Our mission at Espalang is to promote the learning of different languages and cultures, to help broad and varied cultural knowledge prepare citizens to share harmoniously in a more globalised world. In other words, we want our students to be well-rounded academically, personally and professionally, and to have a vision of solidarity in their work.
We want to offer a commitment to academic excellence and the quality of our services in addition to being a model of management and communication, with people well prepared for the performance of their duties and with an interest in constant improvement.
We want our training programmes, both internally and externally, to be of high quality and that the activities developed respond to the interests of our students.
We aim to be a benchmark company in terms of the quality of our services and programmes with a permanent evaluation of our services and programmes so that they are current and respond to the needs of our students.
Espalang aims for professional ethics, respect for people and the diversity of cultures, opinions and world views.
We offer an open attitude towards educational innovation and the continuous development of programmes that fit the needs of our students.
All departments of Espalang as well as our partners must act together for the good of our company and our students.
Professionalism in the performance of our work and in the solution of problems.